
<a href=" Helper" class="display-item">Holo Helper</a>

Holo Helper

Art by Anarchisme
A Mechanix uploaded into a holoscreen. Keeps track of your to-dos and locates nearby loot.

Karma Milestones - 50 Positive Karma


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:

Holo Helper: Whenever the Rixixi it is attached to is depicted in a loot-dropping activity, adds on an entire additional roll, rolled at base stats. Adds Streetwise to the additional roll even if the Rixixi doesn't have it - only to the additional roll if the Rixixi doesn't have it.
Additionally, during Karma events only, for every contraband item found, 1 Positive Karma is added. The Holo Helper hopes you're cleaning it off the street.

Machine Companion - Immune to Zoonotic radiation sickness types!
This companion had an art update! The original art is available as a companion skin: Holo Helper 1.0

Chip: Holo Helper

A Holo Helper can be uploaded into an import by using the Holo Helper companion in place of a chip. Passes Gambler instead of itself in breeding.
Holo Helper: The Holo Helper automatically has Streetwise without taking the Three-Faced story mode. They can still take Three-Faced once for the EXP and potential Karma! Whenever this Mechanix finds contraband during a Karma Season, they obtain 1 Positive Karma.
When in companion mode, equips the following to the Companion form: Chip: Holo Helper: Adds Streetwise to the additional roll even if the Rixixi doesn't have it - only to the additional roll if the Rixixi doesn't have it.
Additionally, during Karma events only, for every contraband item found, 1 Positive Karma is added. The Holo Helper hopes you're cleaning it off the street.

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